Duty and Function
Head of the study program
- Develop work programs as work guidelines with the principles of efficiency, accountability and transparency
- Leading and carrying out managerial functions of the study program to control the implementation of the academic activity process as well as administering supporting activities
- Coordinating with the Head of Department in the preparation of quality policies and quality targets
- Manage the implementation of educational study programs to achieve student competency in accordance with the curriculum determined by the faculty leadership in collaboration with related parties (Colleges/Associations).
- coordinating all stakeholders to implement and participate in curriculum development created by the Collegium/Association
- coordinating with the head of the department and secretary of the department as well as the head of the Department/Laboratory in carrying out academic quality assurance
- coordinating with the Head of the Department and the Secretary of the Department as well as the Head of the Department/Laboratory in preparing plans and accountability for student admissions
- accountability and cooperation with the Head of Department and Secretary of Department in preparation for Study Program Accreditation
- work program for developing the quality of education
- superior programs that strengthen the existence of study programs based on faculty development plans
- preparing plans and coordinating activities for implementing student practicum/field stages
- coordinating the preparation of semester learning plan concepts based on applicable regulations
- creating a distribution of lecture assignments and lecturers' teaching loads
- preparation of monitoring instruments for lecture implementation and their implementation in accordance with applicable regulations to improve the quality of the Study Program
- monitoring and achieving competency and determining the success of student studies, as well as evaluating the length of study of students
- tracking studies of students, alumni and Iulusan users
- input regarding the performance of lecturers and administrative employees to the department head
- granting and/or proposing sanctions for students to the department head in accordance with applicable regulations
- preparation of study program performance reports either through higher education databases, and/or accreditation forms
- proposing Human Resources planning and development
- management of letters relating to students (leave permits, permits, study extensions and student activities)
Academic Administration and Student Affairs
- coordinate with the Chair and Secretary of the Study Program to plan and implement the socialization of the Study Program;
- coordinate with Academic Affairs to plan and arrange lecture schedules;
- coordinate with the General and Faculty Equipment section to prepare teaching and learning process facilities;
- prepare student exam schedules (UTS, UAS, Remedial Exams, Special Exams);
- prepare and carry out judicial and judiciary activities (with the Academic Section and the Finance and Personnel Section of the Faculty;
- with PJMK to compile scores and disseminate test scores to students; And
- create Procedure Manuals and Work Instructions related to academic and educational administration.
- Realization of the teaching and learning process for students in the academic and student affairs fields of the Study Program.
Financial and HR Administration
- Prepare work plans and programs;
- Coordinating with the Chair and Academic Coordinator for the submission of the Budget Expenditure Plan (RBA) every year;
- Collect documents, process and analyze data in the financial sector;
- Monitor personnel data regularly;
- Collect and study laws and regulations in the field of finance and personnel
- Archive financial and personnel files;
- Carry out financial processing, starting from receipt, storage, expenditure, bookkeeping and financial accountability;
- Make payments for honorariums, vacancies, official travel, purchase/procurement of goods/services with the approval of the Chair and/or Secretary of the Study Program;
- Collect and remit taxes to the State Treasury through the Post Office or Government Bank
- Create receipts for each expense;
- Verifying the truth/validity of receipts and their completeness;
- Checking the completeness of tuition fees payments for students who will take exams and take academic leave;
- Assist students in processing postponement or exemption from tuition payments in accordance with applicable regulations;
- Carry out storage of documents and letters in the financial sector;
- Prepare and provide reports on the results of their assignments to the Head of the Study Program.
- Realization of Financial and HR Processes in Study Programs.
General Administration and State Property
- Prepare work plans and programs;
- Carrying out correspondence management;
- Compile data on incoming and outgoing mail
- Control the typing of correspondence and delivery according to destination;
- Monitor archiving and documentation of files;
- Carrying out storage and distribution of goods to related work units;
- Carrying out an inventory of facilities and infrastructure;
- Propose the removal of inappropriate equipment items;
- Collaborating with the Faculty Staff and Equipment Subdivision in facilitating facilities and infrastructure to support the learning process;
- Coordinate proposals for facilities and infrastructure required by the Study Program to the Faculty;
- Carrying out data collection, control and supervision of book collections, scientific magazines and student dissertation manuscripts in the Study Program library;
- Manage food procurement during qualification exams, proposal exams, dissertation exams, and meeting activities;
- Prepare and provide reports on the results of assignments to the Head of the Study Program.
- Realization of the fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure in the Study Program.
Education Coordinator
- Coordinate operational activities
- Secretariat
- Academic Administration
- Financial administration
- General Administration and Equipment
- Provide input to the Head of the Study Program, whether requested or not;
- Coordinate the implementation of courses
- Collect and review legislative regulations in the academic sector and assist the Head of the Study Program in drafting regulations in the education sector;
- Prepare and submit reports on the results of their work to the Head of the Study Program.
- Realization of the implementation of operational, organizational and public leadership in the Study Program.
Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
- Carrying out academic quality assurance and development at study program level;
- Carrying out and coordinating educational staff in administering data to support academic activities;
- Preparing study program accreditation;
- Developing instruments, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the teaching and learning process to improve the quality of education
- Make a tracer study/tracking study of students, alumni and graduate users;
- Prepare regular Study Program performance reports, to be reported to the Head of Department.
- Realization of quality assurance activities, monitoring and assessing the implementation of educational activities in the Study Program.
Curriculum Unit
- Carry out planning, review and curriculum development at the Study Program level;
- Carry out internal monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum, teaching and learning processes, lecturer instructional skills, and academic infrastructure at the Study Program level.
- The realization of the curriculum development process is in line with that created by the collegium and is responsible to the Dean, Head of Department and Head of Study Program.
Scientific Unit
- Coordinate the design, implementation of learning, assessment and development of competency courses (MKK) to the Education Coordinator in the Pre-Clinical and Clinical Departments that are integrated in MKK learning; And
- Coordinate the design, implementation of learning, assessment and development of clinical skills with the Clinical Skills/Skills Coordinator.
- Realization of the teaching and learning process in each Competency Course in the Study Program.
Academic Advising Unit
- Carry out and coordinate design, implementation and evaluation monitoring in the academic advising process.
- Realization of the academic advisory process in the Study Program.
Development Unit
Duty :
- Coordinating between the Review Team Coordinator and the IBA Team Coordinator;
- Creating a system for monitoring grades from PJMK, validation by the Head of the Study Program, publication of grades and verification of grades;
- Conduct assessment workshops;
- Conduct assessment system benchmarks.
Function : Realization of the Teaching and Learning Process in terms of assessment in the Study Program.
Duty :
- Coordinating with the coordinator of the assessment system development team and the coordinator of the IBA Team
- Create and implement a question review/analysis system;
- Reviewing the conformity of exam questions with the blueprint;
- Analyze corrected exam results;
- Holding a review workshop on the Bachelor of Medicine Study Program every semester;
- Providing feedback on question analysis to PJMK regarding the suitability of the questions with the blue print and reviewing questions that have been tested; And
- Conduct assessment system benchmarks.
Function : Realization of the Teaching and Learning Process in analyzing and reviewing questions in the Study Program
Duty :
- Coordinating with the coordinator of the assessment system development team and the coordinator of the IBA Team
- Create and implement a system for collecting questions into a question bank;
- Manage question bank administration including classifying and ecrypting questions; And
- Conduct assessment IBA system benchmarks.
Function : Realization of the Teaching and Learning Process in terms of developing and collecting questions in the Study Program.
Duty :
- Carrying out Problem Base Learning (PBL) development activities;
- Develop and review the suitability of PBL scenarios;
- Standarisasi performa tutor;
- Evaluation of tutor performance
- Conducting PBL system benchmarks.
Function : Realization of the PBL Learning Process in the Study Program,
Duty :
- Carrying out clinical skills development and implementation activities at each MKK/Block.
Function : Realization of the clinical learning process in the Study Program.
Final Assignment Unit
- Organizing undergraduate final assignment registration activities;
- Serving the preparation of research permits for undergraduate students;
- Organizing undergraduate proposal examination seminar activities;
- Organizing undergraduate final assignment exam seminar activities;
- Facilitate access for Final Assignment supervisors/examiners to students and vice versa;
- Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Final Assignment guidance.
- The realization of the process of preparing the Final Assignment in the Study Program.