Professor Profile

Name : EDI WIDJAJANTO, Prof.Dr.dr. MS,SpPK (K)***
NIDN : 27045002
Date Born : 27 April 1950
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUA
Expertise : Patologi Klinik–Imunologi

Name : HANDONO KALIM, Prof. Dr. dr. Sp.PD.KR
NIDN : 11084403
Date Born : 11 Agustus 1944
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUI
Expertise : Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

Name : MOCH. ARIS WIDODO, Prof.dr. MS.SpFK, Ph.D***
NIDN : 8044804
Date Born : 8 April 1948
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Kedokteran, FKUB
Expertise : Farmakologi

Name : MOCH. HIDAJAT, Prof.Dr.dr Sp.OT,FICS***
NIDN : 21094301
Date Born : 21 September 1943
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUA
Expertise :Ilmu Bedah–Orthopaedi

Name : MOCH. ISTIADJID EDDY SANTOSO, Prof.Dr.dr. Sp.S, Sp.BS.,M.Hum***
NIDN : 16054603
Date Born : 16 Mei 1946
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FK UGM
Expertise :Ilmu Bedah Syaraf

Name : MOCH. MULJOHADI ALI, Prof.Dr.dr. ***
NIDN : 6094702
Date Born : 6 September 1947
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUB
Expertise : Farmakologi

Name : NOORHAMDANI,AS, Prof.Dr.dr Sp.MK***
NIDN : 10115007
Date Born : 10 November 1950
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUA
Expertise : Mikrobiologi

Name : SANARTO SANTOSO, Prof.Dr.dr. DTM&H, Sp. MK***
NIDN : 20124801
Date Born : 20 Desember 1948
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUB
Expertise : Mikrobiologi Klinik

Name : SUMARNO, Prof.Dr.dr. DMM, SpMK(K)***
NIDN : 6074808
Date Born : 6 Juli 1948
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUB;
Expertise : Mikrobiologi Klinik

Name : TEGUH WAHJU SARDJONO, Prof.Dr.dr.DTM&H, M.Sc, Sp.Par.K.***
NIDN : 10045204
Date Born : 10 April 1952
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUA
Expertise : Parasitologi–Tropical Medicine

Name : LOEKI ENGGAR FITRI, Prof. Dr. dr. M.Kes., Sp.ParK***
NIDN : 0013106403
Date Born : 13 Oktober 1964
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUB; S2-Kedokteran Tropis, UGM; SP 1 Parasitologi Klinik; Kolegium Parasitologi Klinik; S3-Ilmu Kedokteran FKUB
Expertise : Parasitologi

Name : RESPATI SURYANTO DRADJAT, Prof. Dr. dr. Sp.OT(K)***
NIDN : 0015045408
Date Born : 15 April 1954
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter, FKUI; Sp1- Orthopedi & Traumatologi, FKUI Sp2-Konsultan; S3-Ilmu Kedokteran, FKUA
Expertise : Ilmu Bedah

NIDN : 0031106804
Date Born : 31 Oktober 1968
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter FKUB; S2-Ilmu Faal, FKUA; SP1-Radiologi, FKUI; Sp2 Neuroradiologi Kolegium Radiologi Indonesia; S3-Ilmu Kedokteran, FKUA
Expertise : Radiologi

Name : DJOKO WAHONO S., Prof. dr. SpPD-KEMD
NIDN : 8821370018
Date Born : 9 Oktober 1944
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter Universitas Airlangga: Sp1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Universitas Airlangga Sp2- Konsultan Endokrinonologi Metabolik dan Diabetes
Expertise : Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

Name : MOCH. ISTIADJID EDDY SANTOSO, Prof. Dr. dr. SpS., SpBS(K)., M.Hum
NIDN : –
Date Born : 16 Juli 1956
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter Universitas gadjah Mada S2-Hukum Pidana Universitas Merdeka Malang S3-Ilmu Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga S3- Ilmu Hukum Universitas Brawijaya
Expertise : Komisi Etik Penelitian Kesehatan

Name : DJANGGAN SARGOWO, Prof. Dr. dr. Sp.PD., Sp.JP(K)***
NIDN : 0021094703
Date Born : 21 September 1947
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter,FKUGM; Sp1-IPD FKUA; Sp1- Ilmu Penyakit Jantung & P.Paru,FKUI; S3 Ilmu Kedokteran FKUA; Sp2-Jantung&Pembuluh Darah Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Kardiovaskulasr Indonesia
Expertise : Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah

Name : HMS. CHANDRA KUSUMA, Prof. Dr.dr. Sp.A(K)
NIDN : 19460716
Date Born : –
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1-Profesi Dokter Universitas Airlangga; Sp1 IKA Unair; Sp2 Konsultan Anak; S3 Kedokteran Unair
Expertise : Ilmu Kesehatan Anak

NIDN : 19470417
Date Born : –
Academic Position : PROFESSOR
Education, Field and Origin of PT : S1 UB, Sp1 Unair, Konsultan The Indonesian Association of Internal Medical, S3 UB
Expertise : Ilmu Penyakit Dalam