International Cooperation

No.Institution NameActivityCollaboration PeriodBenefits Obtained
1St. George’s University of LondonCollaboration in Academic and Research Fields26 Januari 201226 Januari 2015Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students, Medical and Professional Bachelors;  Develop research in areas that support the FKUB research tree
2Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, BelandaCollaboration in the Field of Visiting Professor Academic and research programs15-Apr-1315-Apr-16Increasing the ability of lecturers and students in the field of Microbiology research
3Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition, University of Hohenheim, GermanyCollaboration in Academic  and Research11-Sep-1311-Sep-17Increasing lecturer capabilities and developing research in fields that support the FKUB research tree
4University of Kentucky, USACollaboration in the academic and research fields5 Agustus 20135 Agustus 2018Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students, Developing research in fields that support the FKUB research tree
5Institute Superieur de la Communication, des Affaires et du Management, MadagascarCollaboration in Academic  and Research21 Nopember 201321 Nopember 2018Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students, Developing research in fields that support the FKUB research tree
6Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University Bangkok, ThailandCollaboration in Academic  and Research23 Desember 201323 Desember 2018Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students, Developing research in fields that support the FKUB research tree
7Hanban (Education Provider), ChinaCollaboration in Academic Fields21 Maret 201421 Maret 2019Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students, Developing research in fields that support the FKUB research tree
8Saga University, JapanCollaboration in Academic  and Research14-Apr-1414-Apr-19Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students, Developing research in fields that support the FKUB research tree
9Gifu University, JapanCollaboration in Research Fields16 Desember 201416 Desember 2019Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students, Developing research in fields that support the FKUB research tree
10Ludwig-Maximilians Munchen (LMU), Munich, GermanyCollaboration in Academic Fields5 Februari 20145 Februari 2019Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students
11University of South Australia, AdelaideCollaboration in Academic  and Research11 Maret 201511 Maret 2020Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students, Developing research in fields that support the FKUB research tree
12Deutsche Cleft Kinder Hilfe e.V., Freiburg, GermanyIntegrated Care Management of  Cleft Lip and Palate Deformities2 Mei 20162 Mei 2018Increasing the abilities of lecturers and students, Developing research in fields that support the FKUB research tree
13Woman and Childrens Hospital / University of AdelaideKolaborasi  Penelitian, edukasi dan training  Kesehatan Anak16 Agustus 201615 Agustus 2021Peningkatan kemampuan dosen dalam Mengembangkan penelitian di bidang yang mendukung pohon penelitian FKUB dan transfer teknologi
14University of Miyazaki, JapanCollaboration in the academic and educational training fields2 Nopember 20162 Nopember 2021Providing opportunities for lecturers to continue doctoral programs and Medical English education training programs for undergraduate students
15National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) Yunlin Branch, TaiwanCollaboration in Academic Research and Training Fields10 Juli 201810 Juli 2021Facilitate students and lecturers in the form of multicenter research
16La Sapienza University of Rome, ItalyCollaboration in academic and research fields in the fields of Cardiology and Clinical Pathology7 Juli 2018Sedang dalam proses untuk berlanjutFacilitate students and lecturers in the form of standardized research, international publications and technology transfer