Academic Calendar






Administrative Registration for old students (UKT/SPP payments)

1 – 12 Agustus 2022


Academic Registration (filling in KRS) for old students

2 – 13 Agustus 2022


Deadline for adding and canceling courses

Policy for determining the date submitted by each Faculty


Lectures + Midterm Exam (UTS) + Final Semester Exam (UAS) Odd Semester

22 Agustus – 23 Desember 2022


Student Data Reconciliation

19 – 30 September 2022


PDDikti Reporting Semester Reporting 2021.2 and 2022.1 (new students)

Determination of dates in accordance with PD-DIKTI provisions


Deadline for announcement of test scores and KHS completion

6 Januari 2023


The process of evaluating student study success

9 Januari 2023


Final deadline for implementation of the Judiciary *)

10 Januari 2023


Final deadline for the decision process on student study success

12 Januari 2023


Odd Semester deadline

13 Januari 2023




1 Administrative Registration (online SPP payment) 23 Januari – 3 Februari 2023
2 Academic Registration (Completing KRS) 23 Januari – 4 Februari 2023
3 Deadline for adding and canceling courses Policy for determining the date submitted by each Faculty
4 Lectures + Mid-Semester Exam (UTS) + Even Semester Final Exam (UAS). 13 Februari – 23 Juni 2023
5 Student Data Reconciliation 20 Februari – 10 Maret 2023
6 PDDikti Reporting Semester Reporting 2021.2 and 2022.1 (magister students) Determination of dates in accordance with PD-DIKTI provisions
7 Deadline for announcement of test scores and KHS completion 30 Juni 2023
8 Implementation of the Between Semester 26 Juni – 21 Juli 2023
9 Deadline for announcement of test scores and completion of Between Semester KHS 26 Juli 2023
10 The process of evaluating student study success 27 Juli 2023
11 Final deadline for implementation of the Judiciary *) 28 Juli 2023
12 Final deadline for the decision process on student study success 28 Juli 2023
13 Even Semester deadline 31 Juli 2023
III University Activity


1 UB's 60th Anniversary Ceremony (Scientific Speech) 05 Januari 2023

Curriculum Overview

General Description

Undergraduate Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University (BSPM-FMUB) offers a comprehensive educational pathway designed to prepare students to become superior medical personnel. This program lasts for seven semesters in the undergraduate academic stage for three and a half years which leads to a Bachelor of Medicine (S.Ked) degree, followed by a two year clinical professional program which results in a Doctor (dr.) degree. The academic phase focuses on developing clinical skills and preparing for direct patient care during the clinical experience. Learning is carried out in a clinical context with an emphasis on explicit mastery of clinical skills throughout the undergraduate period.

BSPM-FMUB is an integral part of Indonesia's efforts to meet the need for competent medical personnel, with a curriculum that is aligned with national education standards, the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), as well as international benchmarks. This program includes 63 courses with a total of 148 Semester Credit Units (SKS) which are structured based on seven core competencies which are translated into 10 Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL). The program undergoes annual internal quality assurance reviews and periodic assessments by external accreditation agencies. BSPM-FMUB is accredited with “A” status by the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Universities (LAM-PTKes), which is valid until February 22 2024, in accordance with Certificate No. 0055/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/II/2019. In addition, LAM-PTKes has been recognized by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) since 2018, increasing the international credibility of this program. At the regional level, BSPM-FMUB successfully completed the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) assessment in 2018 (Certificate No. AP273UBJAN18), which is valid until 10 February 2023. This accreditation shows BSPM-FMUB's dedication in maintaining high quality standards and achieve a competitive position regionally and internationally.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Program Educational Objectives (PEO) is prepared by combining generic learning outcomes listed in the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and the Indonesian Doctor Competency Standards (SKDI). This PEO is designed spirally (integrated and longitudinal) and is in line with the vision and mission of BSPM-FMUB. The Program Education Objectives (PEO) of BSPM-FMUB are as follows:

  • Noble & Virtuous Professionalism
    Students are able to carry out medical practice professionally in accordance with the values ​​and principles of faith, nobility, morals, ethics, law and socio-culture.

  • Self-Awareness and Personal Development
    Students are able to realize their own limitations and continue to develop and improve their knowledge and skills for patient safety.

  • Efective Communication
    Students are able to explore and exchange information verbally and non-verbally with patients, the public, colleagues and other professions.

  • Information Management
    Students are able to utilize communication and information technology for medical practice and the development of medical knowledge.

  • Basic Medical Science
    Students are able to solve health problems based on the latest medical and health science to achieve optimal results for patients.

  • Clinical Skills
    Students are able to carry out clinical procedures including preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic measures related to health problems by prioritizing the safety of patients, themselves and others.

  • Management of Health Problems
    Students are able to manage individual and community health problems comprehensively, holistically and sustainably in the context of primary health services.

  • Medical Emergency and Disaster Management
    Students are able to identify emergency problems and take appropriate medical action to prevent emergency consequences, including morbidity and mortality.

  • Biomedical Research Skill
    Students are able to produce creative scientific work in the biomedical-biomolecular field based on adequate medical technical knowledge and skills.

  • Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship
    Students are able to demonstrate collaborative leadership skills and become initiators of innovation in scientific activities, organizations and various aspects of health.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Program Education Objectives (PEO) of BSPM-FMUB are distributed into Competency Based Courses. Graduate Learning Outcomes (ILO) or Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) are then formulated to provide a more specific description of the learning outcomes of the BSPM-FMUB curriculum. The following are Graduate Learning Outcomes (ILO):

  • Be an individual who has strong faith, high morality, good ethical and professional behavior, and has social and cultural knowledge.

  • Practicing self-awareness and lifelong learning.

  • Carrying out effective communication with patients and patient families.

  • Carrying out effective communication with colleagues and the community.

  • Have the ability to access and evaluate information and knowledge.

  • Have the ability to disseminate information and knowledge effectively to health workers, patients, communities and other related parties to improve the quality of health services.

  • Have the ability to apply biomedical sciences, humanities, clinical medicine, and community medicine or prevention in managing health problems holistically.

  • Have the ability to perform diagnostic procedures.

  • Have the ability to carry out comprehensive health problem management procedures.

  • Have the ability to carry out health promotion and prevention at the individual, family and community levels.

  • Have the ability to manage individual, family and community health problems.

  • Have the ability to describe various analytical methods or techniques that are important and currently used in biomedical/biomolecular research.

  • Have the ability to apply knowledge and basic principles of leadership and social entrepreneurship.

  • Have the ability to apply emergency management principles in primary health services as well as resource management principles during times of disaster independently or in a team.

  • Produce at least one creative scientific work (writing or design) in the biomedical/biomolecular field during the study period.