Elective program goes International: Global Mobility Experience for Brawijaya Medical Students(PRALINE GLOBE)

In order to provide an ultimate learning experience, career development and professionalism for medical students, Bachelor of Medicine Study Program is launching the PRALINE GLOBE 2023. The hallmark of PRALINE GLOBE 2023 is an opportunity for students to fund their global mobility experience toward joining an internship or an overseas non-degree elective course. The program, named PRALINE GLOBE 2023 is an extension of the regular elective program which has been performed since 2014. The elective is a realisation of FMUB’s commitment to enact SPICES principles in its Competency Based Medical Education curriculum. The elective program which is also known as the student selective component /SSC course, allows students to unleash their interest, passion in wider career development related to medical and health profession subjects and expertises. At the same time, the elective is also part of the strategic program to develop mutual collaboration and networking with international institution partner.


  1. Medical Student of Faculty of Medicine of Brawijaya University Semester IV or above
  2. Have been fulfilled at least 50 SKS
  3. Student has Grade Point Avarage (IPK) >= 3.5 and Grade Point Semester  (IP Semester) <= 3.0
  4. Show strong commitment to self development shown by satisfying CV and motivation letter
  5. Supported by Parents
  6. Pass Academic Merit Screening and Interview


Students who meet eligibility criteria can apply and complete the forms required (Template can be Accessed here) and uploaded through the online application form by 4 June 2023 22.00 WIB.

The online application form can be accessed : here


Department Institute Country Mode of  Activity
Department of Cardiology; Department of Pediatric;


National Taiwan University Hospital Taiwan Research-based Activities

Professional/Clinical/Interdisciplinary Subject Elective

Department of Biomedical Chemistry, School of International Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo Japan Tokyo University Japan Research-based Activities
Department of Pharmacology;

Department of Public Health; Department of Parasitology

Miyazaki University Japan Research-based Activities
https://sgh.md.chula.ac.th/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Information-for-International-Medical-Students-2022.pdf Chulalongkorn University Thailand Professional/Clinical/Interdisciplinary Subject Elective



Period I

(July – August)

Period II

(December – January)*

1.     Announcement to students Week III May Week III August
2.    Administrative Selection Week III May – Week I June Week III – IV August
3.    Academic Merit Selection
4.     Interview

3 June 2023


5. Selection Result Announcement

9 June 2023

Week II September

6.     Pre-Departure Preparation

1 July 2023

Week IV September

7.     LOA issuance

9 June – 1 July 2023

Week I October

8.     Visa (IRO)

9 June – 1 July 2023

Week I October

9.    Departure

15 July– 15 August 2023

December – January

10.  Program Implementation

15 July – 15

August 2023

December – January

11.  Activity Report

15 August – 30 September 2023

Januari – February

The Guideline and further information about this program can be read in here

Contact for PRALINE GLOBE: Secretariate PS S.Ked 8th Floor GPB